
Our brains create our realities, weave incredible dreams and imagine infinite possibilities. 心理学问. 心理学 is the study of both the mind—how it works and how it fails—and behavior—why we act the way we do and how to shape behavior.

“I've been able to work as a research assistant with a faculty member. ”
——Alex Ozolins (18



博天堂官方入口登陆登录’s psychology major offers courses in clinical psychology, 社会行为, 认知理论, 生物心理学和神经科学, which together offer a wide examination of human behavior, 从群居动物到细胞水平. Your education will combine theory and practical research. You may find yourself studying what sort of music rats prefer, or how consumer decisions can be influenced by advertising. And you could work one-on-one with a faculty member over the summer on a Pioneer Scholars research project.

An education in psychology provides a better understanding of human behaviors and translates to a wide variety of possible careers in counseling, 人力资源, 市场营销, 刑事司法与教学, 等. The program also provides a strong foundation if you’re looking to pursue graduate studies. Our graduates have gone on to attend graduate programs at SUNY–Stony Brook, Texas Christian University and the University of Toronto, 等.

You’ll also have opportunities to work with faculty on research projects, some culminating with publication in peer-reviewed journals (a great advantage whether you’re considering graduate programs or a career). The breadth of our program is evidenced by three suggested tracks, which allow you dive more deeply into a particular area of interest with focuses on counseling, 组织心理学与研究.

The psychology major easily pairs with a number of other majors, 包括工商管理, 刑事司法, 动物行为与交流, and a double major can be completed within four years.

Our location provides students with access to numerous internships with health-related businesses. These enrich your education and also create connections with local employers. That means many of our students walk straight into meaningful careers upon graduation.


If you are interested in working in an educational environment, pairing the psychology major with an education major might be a good fit for you. For instance, 把心理学专业和卡罗尔的专业配对 中等教育 major can lead to certification by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to teach social sciences in high school and middle school. 除了你的教育课程, courses in psychology will not only prepare you to teach social sciences, but also provide you with a sound understanding of mental processes that underlie learning. Or, if you are interested in fostering the success of students by providing mental health services as a school psychologist, or academically focused services as a guidance counselor, 把心理学专业和卡罗尔的专业配对 教育研究 major can prepare you for post-graduate studies to pursue these careers.


虽然不是必需的, psychology majors may choose to further specialize their study through one of the following tracks. In addition to the major, Carroll offers a minor in psychology that complements many areas of study:


我们帮助你建立真实世界的经验, explore careers and network with professionals through internship opportunities. Recent placements include the following companies:

  • 罗杰斯纪念医院
  • 威斯康星医学院
  • 埃斯佩朗萨之家
  • 华克夏心理健康协会
  • 威斯康星州早期自闭症项目
  • 地区学区


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.


Milwaukee named third best market for recent college grads

Online financial resources site SmartAsset notes affordability, 中西部地区的乐趣和强劲势头 



校友 couple Diane (Schueler) '80 and Jack Champaigne '80

A Valentine's Day Love Story: Jack '80 and Diane (Schueler) Champaigne '80


Jack Champaigne ’80 met Diane (Schueler) Champaigne ’80 when both welcomed new students while serving as Carroll orientation mentors. Their friendship grew in the months that followed, leading to a chilled night in February when they spent time shooting photos and then moved inside the basement of Main Hall for warmth. 在那里,他向她求婚. 那天是情人节.

Dr. 杰西卡Lahner

Master's in behavioral health psychology aims to address community needs


Although Carroll had identified the need for a master’s level program in psychology long ago, 直到Dr. 杰西卡Lahner came on board as a full-time faculty member in 2016 that the idea started moving to fruition when she was given the charge to make it happen. Carroll will welcome its first co-hort of students to its master’s in behavioral health psychology program launching in the fall of 2021.


“The brain dissection was the most interesting and memorable lecture I've had.”
——Celeste Goeller '18


